{installing xrdp kali linux purple}

how to install xrdp on kali linux purple in 2024

an easy step by step guide

This Guide Will Also Work On Any Ubuntu Version Like 20.04 and 22.04

how to install xrdp on kali linux purple

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a powerful tool that allows users to take control of a remote computer over a network. In the realm of Linux, especially with the robust Kali Linux Purple, enabling such functionality can significantly enhance your control and flexibility. XRDP, an open-source implementation of the RDP server, allows Kali Linux users to remotely access their desktop over a network with the familiar interface of their choice. This blog will guide you through installing XRDP on Kali Linux Purple, ensuring you have the ability to remotely manage your system, whether for administrative tasks, development, or just to run applications not available on your local machine.

Getting Started with XRDP Installation

To embark on this journey of remote connectivity, you first need to update your Kali Linux Purple system. This ensures that all your current packages are up to date, paving the way for a smooth installation process. Begin by opening your terminal and entering the following commands: ( one thing to note that this will also work on Ubuntu 20.04 , 22.04.

The first command updates the package list for upgrades for packages that need upgrading, as well as new packages that have just come to the repositories. The second command installs XRDP on your system. 

					sudo apt update
sudo apt install xrdp -y

Once XRDP is installed, you need to enable and start the XRDP service. You do that by doing the below commands

					sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl start xrdp

Now lets check the status of XRDP. Which is always a good practice to ensure it’s up and running:

					sudo service xrdp status

Creating a User for Remote Access

XRDP requires a separate user for remote sessions to ensure security and functionality. You cannot use the same user currently logged in to the Kali box. To create a new user and assign the necessary permissions, use the following commands:

The command berlow creates a user named “apexrdp” with a home directory of “/apexrdp”.

					sudo adduser --home /apexrdp apexrdp

Granting Administrative Privileges

By adding the user to the sudo group, you ensure administrative privileges, crucial for various tasks. You do this with the command below

					sudo usermod -aG sudo apexrdp

Identifying Your Kali Linux IP Address

Before you can connect to your Kali Linux machine, you need to know its IP address. This can be done using either the ifconfig or ip addr command:



Connecting from any Windows Machine. Any all versions will work ranging from windows 10, windows 11, windows 2019 and 2022 servers as well.

With XRDP installed and your user set up, you’re now ready to connect from a Windows machine:

  1. Open the Run Prompt: Right-click the Windows logo on your task bar and select “Run”.
  2. Launch Remote Desktop Connection: Type “mstsc” and hit enter to open the Remote Desktop Connection application.
  3. Enter the IP Address: In the prompt that appears, enter the IP address of your Kali Linux machine and press enter.
  4. Log in with Your User: When prompted, enter the username and password for the “apexrdp” user you created.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up XRDP on Kali Linux Purple and can now remotely access your desktop from a Windows machine. This newfound ability can significantly improve your productivity, allowing you to execute tasks on your Kali Linux system from anywhere. Remember, while remote access is powerful, always ensure you’re following best cyber security practices, especially when opening up your system for remote connections. Keep your system updated, use strong passwords, and regularly check your access logs for any unauthorized attempts. Happy remote managing! Make sure to check out more on other open source tools for cyber security

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